Another great thing about GUTCP is that it opens up many new areas of research. Although Dr. Mills and his team have worked this ground for over twenty years, there is still much to do. One project came up when there was a question on the old Yahoo group of why the non-s orbitals don't radiate. Although the s orbital has an unchanging charge and current distribution, nonradiation is harder to see for the p, d, etc. orbitals. The GUTCP orbitals are visualized on this page about halfway down (or follow this link straight to an animation).
I suggested that the charge and current functions, if discretized, would act like a phased array with a
null in every direction. This is just one of many areas in which GUTCP makes testable predictions (even testable by a computer sim). I don't have the electromagnetics knowledge to make a simulation from the stated charge motions, but someone who did could make a valuable contribution to the theory for a moderate amount of computer work. Moderate, that is, compared to another supercollider that takes a team of thousands. It's probably within the capability of an individual to do as a side project over a few months. The spherical geometry may be an obstacle for numerical techniques that use rectangular grids, but one can hope that with a small enough grid the essentials would be captured.
Miguel Vaca has written some visualizations of particles like the photon (which you can see here). It communicates the action of the fields in a way that you can't do on the printed page. Imagine if there were 100 Miguels out there digging into questions like the ones I mentioned above. Applying and expanding upon GUTCP is rich ground for new discoveries. Maybe there will even be some corrections to the theory.
Just to name a couple opportunities, consider: using the GUTCP molecular models to incorporate into a multi-physics simulation that can compute "movies" of chemical interactions, by considering the forces on sub-regions of each electron, or computing nuclear data such as binding energies and stability from the nucleon models. If the nucleon models given are accurate, and if all the dynamics come from Maxwell's Equations and Newton's Laws, you could make "movies" of nuclear interactions as well. What if you could predict new phenomena or new stable structures, engineering at the subatomic level? If you have a passion to really make a difference in science, dip your toe into Dr. Mills' theory. The sky's the limit and the competition is (regrettably) light!
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