Newton's mechanics explained the orbits of the planets and launched Scientific Revolution 1.0. There is every reason to expect Mills' explanation of the orbits of electrons to launch Scientific Revolution 2.0. From energy production by hydrino formation, to chemical modeling software, to new materials incorporating hydrino, the future is bright for many areas of technology. But liberating energy is as nothing compared to liberating the mind. For a century it has been thought that the conformation of nature to logic is an illusion.
Classical logic only seems natural to us, they say, because we are too large to encounter quantum
effects in our day-to-day lives. Some deride logic as a mere "intuition" that we have to give up when we study anything fundamental. The same people who will tell you, against eyewitness evidence, that a man being dead and then later being alive, is false because it is against science, will confidently affirm that Schrodinger's Cat is alive and dead at the same time. That is bedrock science, right there. The electron is spin up and spin down at the same time. Generations of students have now been taught that unless they can affirm a naked contradiction, namely the superposition of states, they are just not physicist material.
The damage to science from this subversion is incalculable. Science rests on math, and math rests on logic. When you add eight to both sides of an equation, you are doing math, but when you claim that by adding eight to both sides, you went from one true equation to another true equation, you are doing logic. In abandoning logic, modern physicists have pulled the rug out from under their own feet. The result is distinguished personages intoning in lecture hall that the moon is not there when nobody is looking at it. Sometimes one wonders whether modern physics or modern art has gone more seriously astray. In any case it looks like physics will recover from its degradation first.
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